Sunday, July 30

Lessons of Life for us to remember...

Here are some truths about Life I was reminded about over the weekend...

Life is a mixture of happiness & sadness, pain & pleasure, success & failure and mountain-top experiences and valley-deep experiences.

Why must it be so? Can't life be ever easy?

All sunshine and no rain makes a dry desert. We live in a broken-down world with imperfect people therefore we will never mature without the rain in our lives.

The truths about the dark valleys in our lives:

1) Valleys are inevitable

We will have trials and tribulations in our lives.

2) Valleys are unpredictable

They are unexpected and always seems to come at the most inconvenient times.

So what can we rejoice in?

1) Valleys are impartial

No one is immune to it because everyone has problems. Like the sun that rises on the good and evil, the rain shall fall on the just and the unjust... (Matt 5:45)

2) Valleys are temporary

It doesn't last forever. It is only a tunnel - with a beginning and an end. With perserverence, it can outlast tribulations and persercutions. We will definately get out of the situation.

3) Valleys are purposeful

Our faith is being built up through trials and tribulations, like gold going through fire. Every problem we face serves to mould our character.

What should our response be when we are going through the dark valley experiences of our lives?

1) Do not be afraid

Everything worthwhile is life has risks involved.

2) Do not be discouraged

Disappointment and discouragement is a choice. Thinking negatively or discouraging thoughts allow ourselves to be depressed.

3) Draw yourself into God's presence

God is with us in troubled times and he will lead us through. The valley-deep experiences of our lives draws us face to face with God - the ultimate will become the intimate.

4) Rely on God's protection & guidance

God's rod and staff will protect and comfort us - the basic tools shepards use to protect their flock. His rod is to defend and protect us. His staff will guide and draw us closer to him, to ensure we do not stray.

Remember : We will always become stronger people when we have emerged from our experiences.

Footprints in the Sand

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the path ofhis life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it:

"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."

The LORD replied:

"My son, my precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

written by Mary Stevenson

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