Sunday, March 2

Before You formed me in the womb, You knew me;
Before I was born, You set me apart;
(Jeremiah 1:5)

Right from the very beginning, my life was not my own to walk. You have set my path before me and I was merely a traveller of my destiny. You gave me many opportunities to get to know You. Each time You took one step towards me, I took one step back. I kept running from You. Maybe I always knew what You demanded from me and I was not willing to give...

You never promised me that my life would be easy. I merely assumed that it would be. By my own foolishness and sheer stubbornness, I strayed from the path that you set for me. In that process, I stumbled and fell many times, losing myself and the potential You placed in me. I ranted and raved at You for not giving me any short cuts and keeping my battles tough. I never understood until now...

Through my battles, You moulded my character. You set a great destiny for me and You knew that I would never get there unless You toughened me up. You knew that I would run from You but You never wasted the moments that I struggled through. Because of them, I gained wisdom and could now share my experiences with others. With You, there was never a wasted moment... it was just merely part of my destiny.

Through my struggles, I was never alone. My experiences may have left me deep scars from the wounds I have received. However, You were always there, healing and mending my broken heart. Because of You, I was kept broken before you but I was never a broken person. Because of that, I am now a much stronger person. I have confidence to wear my scars on my sleeves because I'm not ashamed of who I was.

From the time I took one step towards You, You took many steps towards me, revealing the destiny that You have set for me. While it amazes me with what You have in store for me, it also frightens me. What You have set for me demands great capacity and there are moments I doubt the capacity you have placed within me. Am I really destined for this greatness You have set for me?

Whenever I cast self-doubt, You give me fresh revelations that only serve to frighten me. Whenever I get frightened, You open new doors for me to rise up another level. You send angels in the form of my family and friends to minister to me and encourage me. Bit by bit, You have torn me down. You filled me with a hunger to be less of myself and more of you.

Today, what You revealed to me only served to remind me of the calling You have given me, the destiny that you have placed in me. Thank You for reminding me that everything I do is making a difference by serving the people around me. That the work that I do daily is shaping a life, day by day. Thank You for reminding how to be Your good and faithful servant - my ministry towards you. Thank You...

As You take me up another level, these are moments I need to be filled with Your wisdom over and over again. I need to walk in Your revelation. Teach me to lean not by my own understanding but by Yours. Give me grace that abounds greatly so goodness and mercy can follow me all the days of my life.

This blog entry was inspired by Corrinne May's Scars (Stronger for life) from her Beautiful Seed album.

I just want to run
Just want to hide away
Close my eyes to your gaze
Just want to leave
Don't want to hear them say
"You're no good at this"
When the world swirls with naysayers
Broken wings and torn pages
The road ahead, drowning in my tears

Break me open
Tear me down
Into pieces
Broken crumbs
On the ground
You can mould and shape me
In your image
Breathe your life
You know I need it
Scars make us stronger for life

Losing myself
Gaining it back again
Forging strength from weakness
All that I am
All that I'm meant to be
Melting in your hand
Let the world swirl with naysayers
Pickled hearts and sour faces
What is real is what I cannot see

Cut away
All within me
That won't bear fruit
Cut away
All within me

PS: Thanks Corrinne for this beautiful song. You are truly an amazing singer/songwriter. May God continue to annoint you with more beautiful songs.

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